TVS Academy, Tiruvannamalai, is a co-educational school affiliated to the CBSE Board. It provides a caring and exciting learning environment which inspires students to explore, experiment and discover meaning and purpose, in all that they do.
To understand the Prehistoric Age burial system and beliefs students of class VI visited Kizh Nemandi site guided by Mr.Victor Gnanaraj and team of four Archaeologists on 18/07/23
Students of VII & VIII visited Agastya Foundation, Kuppam to observe and explore Ramanujam’s Math lab, Physics, Chemistry, bio discovery lab and Planetarium.
Class X students visited Regenboog trust on 15th August. Mr.Madhan Mohan shared the services rendered by the foundation in the areas of rural health care, student’s welfare and education.
25th Sep – to – 30th Sep.
Teacher Audit on 14th &15th September
4th to 14th September